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Helping Hands: Before and After School Club

Helping Hands at Holy Name School opened in September 2009 and is registered to provide childcare for children aged 11 and under.

The club aims to provide a safe, secure and relaxed environment for the children in our care. We endeavour to provide an atmosphere and activities similar to those found within the home. All of our staff receive regular, ongoing training.

Helping Hands runs at Holy Name before and after school during term time only.

For more information and / or to book your a place, then please visit the Helping Hands website:

opening hours during term time:

The Breakfast Club is open from 7.30 am - 8.55am

After School Club is open until 6.00pm.


We offer a wide range of activities, incorporating cookery, craft, board games, reading, imaginary play, construction, sport, junk modelling, Wii games, painting, arts and crafts and many more including our club's favourite: rounders! During their time at the club, children choose activities that they wish to participate in.

A snack and drink are provided each day; however, this is not intended to substitute for a main evening meal that the child may receive at home.

We promote independence, by encouraging the children to prepare their own snacks, and to clear away after themselves. We use fresh ingredients and follow statutory guidelines. Fresh drinking water is available at all times. Individual dietary requirements and parental preferences are met wherever possible. We recognize the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting. We allow children to decide when they are ready to eat, but request that food be consumed whilst sitting at the snack table.

Contact us:

If you have any questions, then please contact:

Sam Kolar - 07904942281

Michelle Kirwan - 07737535967

Our Club phone - 07806774275