JUNE- Ten:Ten Parent Newsletter

Ten: Ten June Newsletter
You may or may not know that June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This focus on a popular image representing Jesus with His heart pierced, reminds Catholics of the incredible love of God shown through His Son, Jesus.
Corpus Christi
June begins with the Feast of Corpus Christi meaning ‘The Body of Christ’. This celebrates the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. (Catholics believe that the bread and wine used for Holy Communion at Mass become the Body and Blood of Jesus).
Children will spend time in prayer remembering the Last Supper and reflect on what this means for them today. You might wish to use the following video to inspire a reflective time of prayer at home.
With your child, you might also like to…
- . You might like to use prompts to help, such as, ‘what do you want to thank Jesus for?’
- Talk about special meals you enjoy sharing with your family including the time and preparations. Then discuss how you might put the same preparation and care into spending time with Jesus.
Family of Followers
The Gospel for the week beginning 10th June reminds children how those who follow Jesus are united as family in their faith. Through Jesus’ words about God’s family, made up of those who follow God’s will, children will reflect on how they can be loving brothers and sisters to everyone and be inspired by the example of the saints who also loved God and followed His will.
Throughout the Year of Prayer, our prayer resources highlight different styles of prayer through real people’s experiences and reflections.
This video, from Fr Lee, speaks about praying with the Saints.
With your child, you might like to…
- Discuss Fr Lee’s questions to encourage them to try praying with the Saints:
- Ask Gd, who could be your spiritual brother or sister?
- Which saint in Heaven culd pray for you?
- Explore the stories of some different saints and how they showed their love for God and His family through their words or actions. You might like to start with some of the saints whose feast days fall during the week of the 10th June like Saint Barnabas or Saint Anthony of Padua.
Peace in the Storms
Jesus’ power and presence is amazing! He is the one who can calm the wind and waves with His voice! Children will reflect on this great truth in prayer, by bringing their own intentions to Jesus about the ‘storms’ or difficulties that they or others face.
Children will invite the Holy Spirit to help them to trust Jesus and know His peace in every situation.
You might like to use this short prayer to conclude your personal or family prayer time.
Holy Spirit,
When things are good or when things are difficult,
remind me that Jesus is always there.
Help me to trust in Him.