Ten: Ten January Newsletter

Find out what we will be learning in assembly time this month...
January 2025
Just when we thought the celebrations might stop after Christmas, the New Year starts with a month full of significant Church calendar events. What’s more, the Year of Jubilee has begun! This special celebration year comes with an invitation from Pope Francis to place our hope in God’s love for us and to share His love with others.
This newsletter shares some of the content children will experience in school throughout January and suggests ways for you to engage with them about it. We hope it is a useful resource for your family prayer time.
A Gift for Jesus
The Celebration of the Word assembly for the first week of term celebrates the Epiphany of the Lord. This is when Jesus was revealed to the Wise Men after their long journey following the star.
Through this, children will reflect on how God the Father gave Jesus as a gift for us all. They will also consider what gifts they can offer Jesus, such as their time and attention.
After spotting clues in a painting of the Wise Men meeting Jesus, children will use their imaginations to join with these wise travellers on their journey to see the baby King for the first time.
Jubilee Joy: Open
January begins our series themed around the Holy Year - Jubilee Joy. Starting on the 27th of January and continuing later in Lent, these assemblies will encourage children to join with the Church in celebrating the joy of the Jubilee and consider some of its key themes.
As a natural follow on from our Advent preparations, this assembly explores how being open to God, and the hope He brings us can help children in growing their friendship with Him. It’s a time to restart, as well as a time for resting with and worshipping God!
Children will hear about Jesus' mission and reflect on the open invitation to join Him in sharing the hope of God by becoming ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ during the Year of Jubilee.
With your child, perhaps..
- Read the Sunday Gospel (Luke 4:14-21) and talk with your child/ren about how Jesus then lived out His mission on Earth through prayer and action.
- Think about how you can spend time resting with God. You might like to go for a gentle walk together or create a quiet space in your home to rest and pray.
The Gospel for the week of the 20th of January reflects on the wedding in Cana. When the wine had run out for the guests, Mary instructed the servants to “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5)
Inspired by these events, children will spend time in prayer looking at an area in our lives and asking Jesus, ‘What is it you want me to do?’, then praying for the strength to do it!
You might like to try some contemplative prayer in your family prayer time, simply resting in the love of Jesus. You can do this by playing some music or repeating a phrase in your mind to help you focus as you pray together.
Perhaps you’d like to use this prayer to finish:
Give me the strength to do whatever you tell me to.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.